Farmer Smolak Update: July 2019

Farmer Smolak Update: July 2019

Mid-Summer Updates: Staff, Crops, Whim and More

The summer is passing quickly, and soon there will be the feel of fall in the air. The crops are growing well, and the peach and apple crops especially look wonderful this year. We should have a heavy apple crop this fall! Early crops faced some challenges this year with the weather, but we’re finally moving out of that season and into a more abundant one.


We’re excited to welcome some new faces into various roles at Smolak Farms, and familiar faces into new positions! Tricia Dunphy, who has been busy in the bakery for some time now, will be taking over in the Education and Activities Department, and we’re excited to see her flourish in that role.


The Whim Dinner Series is just past halfway through its 2019 season, with several sell-outs and incredible summer gatherings so far. Our next dinner will be with Ledger Salem, a part of The Blue Ox Group in Lynn. Their pastry chef, Michelle Boland, has been at the farm in the past and always brings her great energy along with their other fine staff.
This is also the time of the year that we start looking for seasonal help, so if you know anyone who would like to join in (part-time) on the fun around here, please send them in our direction.


We, like many businesses in the area, are working diligently to recover from the gas crisis last year, which had a major effect on business and commerce in our region. We lost some momentum during that time, but are catching up the best that we can!


Farms like ours have become an integral part of the fabric and culture of our community. Hardly a day goes by without someone sharing a memory of coming here as a child or relating that some of their fondest times growing up were on this farm. These stories fuel our fire to keep moving forwards, and are the reason we do what we do. I often wonder what my parents and grandparents would be thinking of this farm today, and hope there are smiling somewhere.


We hope you’re having a wonderful summer, enjoying the beautiful New England weather, and soaking up all the sun. See you around the farm soon!


Farmer Smolak
2019-07-31T16:33:02-04:00July 31st, 2019|Farmer Smolak, News and Announcements|
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